Thursday, August 26, 2010
EOC Final Project: First Thoughts
My first thoughts about this project are I was thinking about Kraft Marconi and Cheese while I was eating it. I don’t know if they have invented a three cheese for Kraft. I think that would be cool and interesting, because I love three cheese pasta and I think if Kraft could find a way to develop that with their original cheese I think that would be a great seller. Then I thought about how I couldn’t really think of a slogan for that because Kraft has been around forever so I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or not. Other than that I don’t really have any other thoughts right now.
EOC Week 7: Exciting Advertisement x4

I chose this advertisement because I thought it was different. People don’t usually produce advertisements like this anymore.
Balance: One of the keys on this advertisement is balance. This advertisement has asymmetrical balance. It leads your eye one way to the point of what the advertisement is trying to make you see. What the advertisement is trying to make you see is the car and then read the fine print about fast cars.
Positive/Negative Shapes and Space: Another key point to this advertisement is the positive and negative space. The advertisement is nearly everywhere to represent the fast car Datsun. So the advertisement looks crunched up with the pictures and the logo right in the middle but it is leaning on the side.
Visual Hierarchy: The third key in this advertisement is the visual hierarchy. The main message of this advertisement is teaching people how to drive and doing by driving a fast car. So you want to give people a real challenge to driving? Give them a sports car. They are trying to sell the car which also comes in sedans, wagon, pickups and sports cars.
Illusion: Finally the fourth key in this advertisement is the illusion of the pop out car. The car which they also show in the advertisement looks like it is coming towards you. In my personally opinion I feel like I could touch it.
Personally I think that this advertisement has all these key points because of the way that Datsun decided to represent their advertisement. It looks fun and different. Plus it has a meaning to the advertisement about driving safe and choosing the right car.
EOC Week 6:Make 'Em Laugh
Diet Dr. Pepper made this commercial where there is a wedding being held. The bride is treating her friends like their in boot camp and they are going to do what she says. Then when while the bride is walking away her friend drinks a Diet Dr. Pepper and the commercial says “It’s amazing the sacrifices you’ll make for friendship when it’s comes to the taste of Diet Dr. Pepper you sacrifice nothing. Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper.” So the commercial is trying to say that if you drink Diet Dr. Pepper everything will be just fine. The reason why I think this commercial is funny is because I like the fact that the bride and starts to tell the brides what she wants on her wedding day. Then her friends have the expression of “wow really, you’re crazy” and then one of the bride’s friends drinks a Diet Dr. Pepper to be calmer than the others. So it’s funny because you have the bride who wants everything perfect and then the Diet Dr. Pepper to say “hey it’s okay, it’s your friend’s wedding so just chill out and everything is going to be fine”. So to me personally it’s funny. I also like the way that Dr. Pepper delivers the commercial. They tried to make a funny commercial and they delivered. It wasn’t offensive and look likes something that would happen in real life. So in conclusion Dr. Pepper did a good job.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
EOC Week 6: Jerry Metellus

Jerry Metellus
A. Introduction
a. The three things I learned from Jerry Metellus.
i. One: Price marketing depends on a lot of things in photography.
ii. Two: Don’t come in with an ego or an attitude. Also don’t be attached or desperate.
iii. Three: Lighting is very dependable on all events, especially architecture.
B. One: Price marketing depends on a lot of things in photography. Price depends on what your client wants and what you agreed to shoot your client in. For example, if you are shooting a family photo and they want to look exactly like this magazine photo and that is what you agreed to shoot them in that is the challenge you decided to take. Price depends on what you are shooting in, hotel, broken down building, etc. Price depends on what the client wants to look like. What the photographer can do is research about prices from other photographers. So price ranges with in different situations.
C. Two: Don’t come in with an ego or an attitude. Also don’t be attached or desperate. When it comes to Jerry, he doesn’t want to shoot anyone who has an ego or an attitude. So photographers so deserve to work with what you can handle and have some respect and dignity to it. Don’t be attached to your work and don’t be desperate for work. For example, you are a Sudan and somebody doesn’t want you then you don’t try to get that person. You are selling the car; sell it to someone who wants it. Also don’t be desperate because then you break the market for selling yourself so low. So don’t have an ego, but be competitive enough that clients know your worth it.
D. Three: Lighting is very dependable on all events, especially architecture. Lighting depends on seasons, the way the structure edges come out along with the colors. This is the way your practice your lighting for architecture to make texture come out or smoothness from the table or couch. So lighting is different in any situation.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
EOC: Week 5: Ad Catergories
The first category
• Image or Lifestyle
• The reason why this would be an advertisement for Image/Lifestyle is because Cover Girl is a beauty product that most women wear. And women usually think that if the wear cover girl products then they can look like (Drew Barrymore). It is a brand that they trust and know well enough to wear it for most of their life.
The second category
• Adventures and Escapes
• The reason why I think this represents Adventures and Escapes is because Disney is an adventure and escape. As the advertisement presents itself, to me it is saying. In the hotel you can rest and enjoy the day, but outside is where the fun is.
The third category
• Benefits
• The reason why I think this advertisement represents benefits is because the advertisement is offering you the brand (Caribou Coffee) which is saying that their brand offers genuine coffee and what is in it for us is drinking some good coffee without having to go decaf.
• Image or Lifestyle
• The reason why this would be an advertisement for Image/Lifestyle is because Cover Girl is a beauty product that most women wear. And women usually think that if the wear cover girl products then they can look like (Drew Barrymore). It is a brand that they trust and know well enough to wear it for most of their life.
The second category
• Adventures and Escapes
• The reason why I think this represents Adventures and Escapes is because Disney is an adventure and escape. As the advertisement presents itself, to me it is saying. In the hotel you can rest and enjoy the day, but outside is where the fun is.
The third category
• Benefits
• The reason why I think this advertisement represents benefits is because the advertisement is offering you the brand (Caribou Coffee) which is saying that their brand offers genuine coffee and what is in it for us is drinking some good coffee without having to go decaf.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
EOC Week Four: Bob Isherwood. Whi is he important?

Interview: Bob Isherwood
• Who is Bob Isherwood?
Bob Isherwood was born in Australia and when he left school he was given a very rare opportunity to be in RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) to study Advertising Art. After school he went to the United Kingdom to work for Collett, Dickenson, and Pearce which were at that time the best advertising company. In 1986 he was hired to work for Saatchi and Saatchi and became their creative director in 1988. “In 2007 he received the Clio Lifetime Achievement Award “in recognition of outstanding and ongoing contribution by an individual who is leading the industry forward.” “Then in 2009 Bob Isherwood became the Creative Chairman for UNI/IAA and he is currently partnered with LLC.
• Why is Bob important?
Bob Isherwood is important because of his many awards and things he did in his life. Like for example, when Victor Greenhalgh passed away, Bob decided to make a scholarship in his name for unprivileged students that went to RMIT. Bob became the World Creative Director for Saatchi and Saatchi 1996. The company won 8,000 creative awards while Bob was working there. “Bob Isherwood was the first people to win Australia’s gold lion for cinema at the Cannes International Advertising Festival and is one of the few people to have ever won a British Design and Art Direction gold award for advertising.” “In December 2007, Bob received the first ever Honorary Doctorate in Communications from RMIT at a ceremony at the Melbourne Telstra Dome. In 2008, he was invited to contribute to the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s “Australia 2020” initiative.” Bob Isherwood is also the co-producer for “World Changing Ideas”. Bob Isherwood is important because he worked hard and had great ideas.
• One sample of Bob’s work.
• The Victor Greenhalgh Scholarship- “For some reason Victor Greenhalgh took a chance on me, and changed the course of my life,” says Mr. Isherwood, who came to RMIT after leaving school at 13 and beginning an apprenticeship as a motor mechanic.
I think that it is wonderful that Mr. Isherwood created a scholarship for someone that as he says “took a chance” on him.
BOC Week 4: Jerry Della Femina The Big Idea
Jerry Della Femina was from Italian family who grew up in Brooklyn. Jerry understood what it was like to be in the advertising world unlike anyone else did. Jerry wrote “What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?”, “Your Fly is Open”, and “Before Hitler Could Kill Six Million Jews, He Had to Burn Six Million Books”. Jerry Della Femina was thirty years old when he invented the idea of “From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor”. When Jerry came up with the idea everyone was silent in the conference room. It was WWII and no one was exactly excited about the idea. Fortunately for Jerry that book made him the hottest business man in town. Funny thing is now in the future it is a source of inspiration for the series Mad Men. So the book it now being released for the series fourth season. The book is similar to series because of the sex and booze, but that is not the only story Jerry wants to tell. Jerry wants to tell about the class of warfare and how that advertising guys are not slick and sharp. So to say the best parts of the books are the ad making process, the battles with the superiors and the clients. So this book is more about sex and booze, it’s about war and the power you have to get clients and to win battles. For the first three seasons of Mad Men they did not seem to follow the book very well until now. So we hoping to see new things and more contexts towards the book that Jerry Della Femina wrote.
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