Interview: Bob Isherwood
• Who is Bob Isherwood?
Bob Isherwood was born in Australia and when he left school he was given a very rare opportunity to be in RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) to study Advertising Art. After school he went to the United Kingdom to work for Collett, Dickenson, and Pearce which were at that time the best advertising company. In 1986 he was hired to work for Saatchi and Saatchi and became their creative director in 1988. “In 2007 he received the Clio Lifetime Achievement Award “in recognition of outstanding and ongoing contribution by an individual who is leading the industry forward.” “Then in 2009 Bob Isherwood became the Creative Chairman for UNI/IAA and he is currently partnered with LLC.
• Why is Bob important?
Bob Isherwood is important because of his many awards and things he did in his life. Like for example, when Victor Greenhalgh passed away, Bob decided to make a scholarship in his name for unprivileged students that went to RMIT. Bob became the World Creative Director for Saatchi and Saatchi 1996. The company won 8,000 creative awards while Bob was working there. “Bob Isherwood was the first people to win Australia’s gold lion for cinema at the Cannes International Advertising Festival and is one of the few people to have ever won a British Design and Art Direction gold award for advertising.” “In December 2007, Bob received the first ever Honorary Doctorate in Communications from RMIT at a ceremony at the Melbourne Telstra Dome. In 2008, he was invited to contribute to the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s “Australia 2020” initiative.” Bob Isherwood is also the co-producer for “World Changing Ideas”. Bob Isherwood is important because he worked hard and had great ideas.
• One sample of Bob’s work.
• The Victor Greenhalgh Scholarship- “For some reason Victor Greenhalgh took a chance on me, and changed the course of my life,” says Mr. Isherwood, who came to RMIT after leaving school at 13 and beginning an apprenticeship as a motor mechanic.
I think that it is wonderful that Mr. Isherwood created a scholarship for someone that as he says “took a chance” on him.
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