I have decided that this was a triplet advertisement because it has three different lines, three different pictures, but it is all about the same company.”The visual changes, the line changes, but the compositional template stays the same.” (Advertising by Design by Robin Landa, pg. 169) Their visual changes are the pictures between the moving balls, the CD and a machine that spins. The line changes are “Move in a different direction” “Get into a new groove” and “Experience a new spin on banking”. The compositional template stays the same throughout the advertisement. It is has a picture then some type then information about Androscoggin Bank. This advertisement is talking about Androscoggin Bank. Androscoggin Bank is trying to make people be interested in their bank by this advertisement. They are saying “move in a different direction” which might mean to you that hey if your bank isn’t the way you thought it would be then try theirs. “Get into a new groove” If your bank isn’t paying attention to you than try theirs. “Experience a new spin on banking” if you don’t like banking, that’s okay, try our online banking. Androscoggin wants to get across to people that they have personal and business banking. A little bit of information on Androscoggin. They have these services: savings, checking accounts, certificates of deposits, personal and commercial loans, online banking and bill payment. They also have: cash management, retirement planning, investment management, and employee benefit programs. Also if you would like to learn more information about them you can go online to
http://www.androscogginbank.com/. In conclusion Androscoggin Bank created a wonderful triplet advertisement by keeping it neat and simple. The text is easy to read and they give information about the bank if you would really like to join, I am pretty sure they would be happy about that.
MLA Format
"Androscoggin Bank." LinkedIn. LinkedIn, 2010. Web. 16 Sep 2010. http://www.linkedin.com/companies/androscoggin-bank>.
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